Apply for Singapore Immigration from India

Singapore is the world’s fourth-leading financial centre, and its port is one of the five busiest ports in the world. The economy depends heavily on exports and refining imported goods, especially in manufacturing, which constituted 26% of Singapore’s GDP in 2005. In terms of purchasing power parity, Singapore has the third-highest per capita income in the world.

Today, Singapore has a highly developed market-based economy & is known as one of the freest, most innovative, most competitive, and most business-friendly.

Singapore attracts a large amount of foreign direct investment as a result of its location, corruption-free environment, skilled workforce, low tax rates and advanced infrastructure.

Apply for Permanent Residence


The following categories of foreigners are eligible to apply for permanent residence:

  • Spouse and unmarried children (below 21 years old) of a Singapore Citizen (SC)/ Singapore Permanent Resident (SPR)
  • Aged Parents of a SC
  • P, Q or S work pass holders
  • Investors/Entrepreneurs

Documents Required

The forms mentioned below are available online (you will require Adobe Acrobat Reader to read and print the forms) and at the Permanent Resident Services Centre*.

  • For Spouse/Child of a SC/SPR
  • Aged Parents of a SC
  • For P, Q or S Work Pass Holder (Applying under the Professionals/Technical Personnel and Skilled Workers

    • 2 sets of completed Form 4(one original and one photocopy)
    • Download the Accompanying Notes to Form 4. This will list the supporting documents that will have to be submitted together with your application.

Procedure for Singapore Permanent Residency(PR)

    • Spouse/Child of a SC/ SPR
    • Aged Parents of a SC
    • P, Q or S Work Pass Holder

You are to submit the completed application form together with the requireddocuments over the counter at Permanent Resident Services Centre*. However please note that the submission of PR application is by appointment only.

    • For the Investor/Entrepreneur who are Interested in Taking Up Permanent Residence in Singapore

Investors/Entrepreneurs may apply for permanent residence at Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB) under the Global Investor Programme. Please visit for more information on the Global Investor Programme, the assessment criteria and application process.


You can make payment for the following fees via NETS or Cashcard:
Entry permit : S$100
Re-Entry Permit : S$10 per year
Visa Fee : $30 per issue (for foreigners requiring a visa)

Apply for Student’s Pass

Who should apply for Student’s Pass?

A foreigner is required to apply for a Student’s Pass if he/she has been accepted by an educational institution to pursue full-time studies in Singapore, unless he/she is a:

  • Dependant’s Pass holder studying in a Government/ Government-Aided/ Independent school/ Foreign System School/ Kindergarten registered with MOE or Childcare centre licensed by MSF;
  • Immigration Exemption Order holder; or
  • Visitor who has been granted a short term Visit Pass at the Singapore Checkpoint and wish to attend a short course that can be completed within the validity of the initial Visit Pass granted to him/her at the Singapore Checkpoint or 30 days, whichever is shorter. The course must:
    • be a complete module and stand-alone module of its own. Courses with multiple programme modules are excluded from this Student’s Pass exemption scheme; and
    • not involve hands-on practical occupational training and/or industrial attachment which have interaction with walk-in customers or be conducted at premises that are also places of business, e.g. hair salons and beauty salons.

How to apply for Student’s Pass?

Depending on the type of educational institution that a foreigner is intending to study at, the requirements and procedures for applying for a Student’s Pass will differ.

Please click on the relevant type of education institution where you intend to pursue your studies at to apply for the student’s pass:

  • Approved Private Education Organizations
  • Kindergartens Registered with MOE/Childcare Centres Licensed by MSF
  • Foreign System Schools
  • Institutes of Technical Education
  • Government/Government-Aided/Independent Schools
  • Polytechnics and Universities
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